5 Major Benefits of Trees
The benefits of trees go beyond aesthetics. Trees have important economic benefits, as they reduce UV-B exposure, absorb CO2, and increase property values. Some of the most obvious are listed below. They also reduce social service budgets. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But did you know that trees can improve a city’s economy? Read on to learn more about the many other benefits of trees!
Reduces UV-B exposure by about 50 percent
Studies have shown that UV-B exposure declines rapidly with increasing depth in the water column. This is because water and its impurities absorb the UV-B rays. Additionally, organic carbon from nearby land adds additional protection from UV-B rays. Nonetheless, different masses of water contain different amounts of particles and dissolved substances, making it difficult to evaluate the impact of exposure to UV-B radiation.
In addition to reducing UV-B exposure, trees provide important health benefits. Studies show that people are less likely to contract cancer when they are exposed to UV-B radiation from trees. In fact, trees are said to reduce the risk of skin cancer by 50 percent. Not only do trees provide shade, but they also produce food for wildlife and improve the healing process of patients. Trees have long been recognized as an important factor in urban planning.
Absorbs CO2
The best tree species for absorbing CO2 are those native to the area. They will continue to grow even with minimal care. Oaks are the most efficient carbon-absorbing tree species due to their dense wood and large canopies. Other top carbon-absorbing trees include the common horse-chestnut, black walnut, and London plane. While all of these trees are beautiful and useful, variety is the key to successful absorption of CO2.
In order to determine the potential carbon-sequestration capacity of different tree species, scientists looked at the soil nutrients and climate factors that affect tree growth. Some models predict that forests will be stressed by the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. While a recent study from Stanford University shows that the ability of trees to absorb carbon dioxide is increasing, many researchers believe that forests will not be able to absorb the same amount in the future.
Increases property value
Did you know that mature trees can increase the value of your home by seven to 19 percent? Not only do trees provide privacy and beauty, but they also absorb pollution and odors. Trees also increase curb appeal, and that is something that potential buyers appreciate. Additionally, studies show that trees can protect you from heart disease and respiratory diseases. The benefits of trees are numerous. Read on to learn more about the benefits of mature trees and how they can increase the value of your home.
Evergreen trees, such as maples, are excellent choices for increasing property value. Evergreens can handle mild air pollution and are low-maintenance. Trees with changing foliage can add curb appeal. Evergreens, on the other hand, are low-maintenance and require less pruning. Weeping cherry trees and magnolias are two low-maintenance species that can enhance the beauty of your property.
Strengthens urban communities
Recent studies show that trees in urban areas reduce crime and improve relations between residents. Several researchers have found that residents in neighborhoods with trees have lower levels of violence than their counterparts in the city without trees. In addition, residents of buildings with trees report that they use more reason and less violent behavior to resolve conflicts. They also report feeling safer. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of trees in urban areas. Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.
Local governments can encourage residents to plant and maintain trees by offering incentives. These incentives can include monetary donations, free or discounted labor, or even volunteer time. Incentives are particularly effective in strengthening urban communities, and many businesses actively look for opportunities to build relationships with local governments and nonprofit organizations. The following are some ways to increase tree planting and care:
Reduces police calls for domestic violence
A new study suggests that arresting suspects may reduce domestic violence calls by more than half. Researchers have studied 205 cases and found that arresting victims had a significantly greater deterrent effect than verbal advice. In 1991, 90 percent of police departments adopted pro-arrest policies. As of 2011, nearly half of states have adopted a mandatory arrest law and six have an alternative preference law. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have also endorsed the policy.
The policy has two components: a pro-arrest and a non-arrest component. In the former, officers can act as mediators and counselors or refer victims to social service agencies. In the latter, officers may only arrest when there is probable cause. This latter policy is the most effective way to reduce police calls for domestic violence. In the former, officers may refer victims to social services if they believe that the situation warrants arrest.