9 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Waste
There are many simple ways to reduce the amount of plastic you use in your daily life. By avoiding single-use plastic bags, buying in bulk, and reusing grocery bags, you can help fight the growing plastic waste problem. And as a bonus, all these simple methods are completely free! Just keep reading to learn more about these easy ways to reduce your plastic waste! After reading this article, you’ll be on your way to a cleaner and greener planet!
Refusing plastic bags
Refusing plastic bags is an easy way to make a positive impact on the planet. These bags are ubiquitous, and they get stuck in trees, blown around parks, and even into water. They are an important part of our daily lives, but they can also have a negative impact on our environment. Luckily, there are ways to reduce plastic waste without going broke. Here are five simple ways to reduce plastic waste.
First, you can make reusable products. Many reusable containers can be made from paper or cardboard. Bottled drinks, like water or juice, are a great way to reduce your plastic waste. Instead of wasting plastic bottles, use refillable containers instead. You can also bottle your own drinks. Plastic straws and stirrers also have no use in the environment, and take up valuable space in landfills.
Buying in bulk
Buying in bulk has many benefits, and one of the biggest is that it’s a more environmentally friendly option. Purchasing food and household products in bulk means less packaging, and that means less waste. This is good news for the environment, as trash from supermarkets makes up 30% of municipal waste. Buying in bulk also helps to preserve ocean life, as older packaging isn’t pushed to the back of the shelves. You also save money by avoiding the packaging of household cleaners, laundry soap, and dish soap.
Another way to cut down on plastic waste is to buy in bulk when you can. Buying larger quantities of your household supplies is the most efficient way to do this. By purchasing in bulk, you can save money and gas by using less packaging. If you’re buying for your restaurant, consider bulk cooking oil from Costco, which typically lasts for three to five months. Purchasing these items in bulk can also help you save money, as many companies allow you to bring your own container to refill with.
Using reusable grocery bags
Using reusable grocery bags is a great way to reduce plastic waste. They’re a convenient way to carry more items than plastic bags. You can store reusable grocery bags in your kitchen drawer or pantry. They can even be used to transport recyclables. When used properly, reusable grocery bags are the best option for protecting our environment. And best of all, they’re also eco-friendly!
If you don’t have a reusable bag, you can still use your plastic produce bags. You can even buy reusable produce bags made from hemp, organic cotton, or recycled plastic. If you’re already using reusable grocery bags, let your friends and family know about them. You can also write letters to companies that overpackage their products. Leading by example is very effective. It’s not just about saving plastic, it’s also a great way to reduce the amount of plastic that enters our oceans.
Cutting out plastic packaging
Many households generate a large amount of plastic waste, especially in the kitchen. One of the simplest ways to eliminate packaging waste is to bring your own containers or bags. If you can, purchase jars instead of plastic packaging. Shop at brands with refill stations, such as Ariston oils and Common Good cleaners. Bringing your own containers is also a good idea if you’re throwing out plastic packaging.
Shopping in bulk is another easy way to reduce your plastic waste. Try using cloth bags to carry your groceries and avoid buying plastic beverage bottles. When purchasing food, look for zero-waste stores or grocery stores with bulk bins. If you can’t find bulk bins, bring your own bags or try to find ones that are paper-based. Buying in bulk will allow you to save money and eliminate unnecessary packaging.
Using reusable bottles
If you’re not using reusable bottles to save money, you should consider them. Many plastic bottles contain harmful chemicals that leach into the ocean. Many single-use bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a cheap and relatively strong plastic that can be molded into any shape. But even though PET is cheap, its use is not sustainable and has a negative effect on the environment.
Consumer interest in reuse programs is high, and 70% of respondents said they would pay higher prices for environmentally friendly packaging. But few studies have evaluated whether consumers actually refill multi-use packages. Buying a single-use metal shampoo bottle is also more environmentally destructive than throwing it away. In addition, metal bottles require more energy to manufacture. Refilling them is not as easy as buying a new bottle. Brands should provide incentives to encourage consumers to use reusable bottles and make it more convenient for them.
Using cloth diapers
Many disposable diapers are made of petroleum-derived materials like softwood pulp and are backed with glue. Even if these materials are recycled, they are still often bleached with chlorine, which pollutes waterways. Disposable diapers also often require additional plastics for packaging, including a high carbon footprint and resource waste. Concern about waste led to a study comparing the environmental impact of disposable diapers and those made of cloth. This study was commissioned by the major players in the disposable diaper industry, including Procter & Gamble.
Using cloth diapers has other environmental benefits as well. It cuts carbon emissions. The City of Toronto has banned commercial diaper services in response to climate vulnerability, so banning plastic refuse in the island nation would have a positive impact on climate change. The environmental impact of cloth diapers is calculated per use. While disposable diapers are used only once, reusable cloth diapers are disposed of every other day, which results in less plastic waste overall.